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Cookies are good for the soul. Remember when mumma or granny gave you a cookie to make you smile (or to shut you up)
Posted by: Anna | July 7, 2024
The Best Biscuits for Coffee

We all know that there’s nothing quite like dunking a biscuit in a lovely cuppa. Of tea, that is. But what about the coffee lovers amongst us; surely we deserve a piece of that action too? There are two sides to enjoying coffee and biscuits, and they don’t always go together. On the one hand, there’s flavour. It’s gotta taste good, right? A well-earned coffee break is not something we take lightly. But then there’s dunking. How much do we need to dip that biscuit…
What Biscuit Goes Well With Coffee?
Coffee is an entirely different animal from tea, and what (as they say) is good for the goose is not always entirely good for the gander. Coffee pairings are not always easy, but one thing is for certain. You need a biscuit with a bit of character. Something that will stand up, look coffee straight in the eye and announce ‘Here I am’.
The Rich and Chocolatey
Coffee likes chocolate. And chocolate likes coffee. There’s just something there that cannot be denied. Dark chocolate is bold, and the two bring out the best in one another. The creamy sweetness of milk chocolate tames the wild intensity of coffee into something more comforting. Something mocha-esque.
A chocolate-coated biscuit is most definitely not made for dunking. But that does not mean it can’t be the perfect partner for a cup of coffee.
On the other hand, the classic chocolate chip cookie offers the perfect balance of chocolatey flavour with a slightly gooey texture that soaks up coffee like a sponge.
The Buttery and Flaky
Oh, the joy of a buttery biscuit! It’s like a hug for your taste buds, and when submerged into a warm Arabica blend, it soaks up all that robust coffee goodness. The classic shortbread biscuit, with its crumbly texture and rich flavour, is the partner your coffee has been pining for.
The Rough and Ready
Sometimes you want something just a little more robust. A rugged dunker full of flavour like a classic Anzac bikkie.
The Spicy and Aromatic
Spice up your coffee routine with something that packs a punch, like these ginger and date biscuits. Dip them into a latte, and the creaminess of the milk perfectly complements the zesty ginger bite.
Sweet and Creamy
Cream-filled biscuits sit somewhere in the middle. They also completely divide the crowd. Whilst they will stand up well to a decent dunking, would you really want to?
What Biscuits do you Dunk in Coffee?
Debatably, there’s an art to dunking. It’s all about the timing—the quick, strategic plunge into the coffee, allowing the biscuit to soak up just enough liquid while retaining its integrity. Nobody wants a biscuit graveyard at the bottom of their cup.
As any tea lover will tell you, just because a biscuit tastes really really good, this doesn’t necessarily make it dunkable. There is an art to successful dunking and, let’s face it, when you take taste out of the equation tea and coffee pretty much boil down to the same thing.
So, let’s explore the art of biscuit dunking.
Just like a perfect handshake, there’s the right amount of time for a dunk. Too short, and you miss out on the coffee infusion; too long, and you’re fishing for biscuit remnants at the bottom of your cup.
Choose your weapon
Not all biscuits are built for dunking. Go for something sturdy that won’t crumble at first contact with your brew.
A slight softening from the coffee can elevate the texture to a whole new level of deliciousness.
Flavour pairing
Think about the coffee’s undertones—nutty, fruity, chocolatey? Pick a biscuit that complements or contrasts these flavours.
Nail your technique
Dunk at an angle for even saturation and to prevent half the biscuit from soaking too much while the other half remains dry as the Sahara.
Make it your own
Because rules are made to be broken. Happen to like the biscuity sludge at the bottom of the cup? Go for it. Like the way a chocolate biscuit melts like a mocha? Have at it.
Remember, the most important rule in the art of dunking is to have fun and enjoy your coffee just the way you like it—biscuit and all!
Whether you are a coffee purist or a cookie monster, there’s a great big world of biscuits waiting to be explored. Your ideal coffee companion is out there.
To all the café owners listening in, knowing your customers’ preferred coffee-biscuit pairings can turn a good morning routine into a great one. Maybe it’s time to jazz up that display case next to the cash register!
Explore our range of handmade Australian biscuits and find your perfect pair.
This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Australian Buscuit Manufacturers”.
See original article:- The Best Biscuits for Coffee
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Tags: biscuits for coffee
Posted by: Anna | May 23, 2024
10 Things You Can Do With a Chocolate Chip Cookie

Chocolate chip cookies are an iconic treat loved by people of all ages, and while they are truly awesome on their own, their potential extends far beyond a simple snack. These store cupboard favourites can be the star of countless culinary creations, whether adding a buttery biscuity chocolatey twist to traditional ideas or using it as an inventive ingredient in unexpected ways.
Here, we’ll explore ten surprisingly lovely things you can do with a chocolate chip cookie, demonstrating just how versatile this not-so-humble cookie can truly be.
1: Dunk it in Milk
Not exactly groundbreaking, but it’s a classic for a reason. Dunking in a glass of cold milk is still most folks’ favourite thing to do with a chocolate chip cookie.
2: Squish Together an Ice Cream Sandwich
Use two cookies to make the perfect homemade ice cream sandwich. Just squish your favourite ice cream in between! If you want to elevate it slightly into the ultimate treat, try our recipe below.
Try our recipe for triple chocolate and salted caramel ice cream sandwiches. No baking required!
3: Crumble Some Crunchy Cookie Crumbs
Crush your cookie into crumbs and use them as a sweet topping for ice cream or yoghurt. Not just for sprinkling, you can also dip or roll.
These biscuit truffles are just one way to make use of cookie crumbs
4: Make Deliciously Moreish Cookie Butter
Blend your cookies into a food processor until they become a smooth, creamy spread. Enjoy it on toast, pancakes, or straight from the jar!
5: Supercharge That Trail Mix
Add some crumbled cookies to your trail mix for an extra sweet surprise.
6: Get More From Your S’mores
Replace the traditional graham cracker in a s’more with a chocolate chip cookie for a decadent treat.
7: Load Up Your Cheesecake Base
Crush cookies and mix them with melted butter for a quick and easy cheesecake base.
Read the ultimate guide to making a biscuit base.
8: Stick ‘Em Up Cookie Pops
Stick a pop stick into your cookie, dip it in melted chocolate, and decorate it with sprinkles for a fun snack.
9: Quick and Simple Cake Decorations
Use cookie pieces as edible decorations on cakes or cupcakes.
10: Gift Wrap It!
Sometimes it is the little things that matter and simple says it best of all. Who wouldn’t love a beautifully packaged chocolate chip cookie as a gift, and it’s the perfect way to show someone you care. A pretty bow or a cute little box (or both) is an inexpensive way to melt their heart. Make a statement with a single solitary cookie, or say thank you with a whole packet.
Check out our range of chocolate chip cookies. You may need more than one pack so luckily we’ve got some great bulk buy deals!
This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Australian Biscuit Manufacturers”.
See original article:- 10 Things You Can Do With a Chocolate Chip Cookie
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Tags: chocolate chip cookies
Posted by: Anna | November 21, 2022
Why we love handmade Australian biscuits

Call them what you like, biscuits and cookies have a special place in the heart of every Australian.
Biscuits are a very specific kind of comfort food, and nothing quite says home like a bickie and a cuppa. Visit a cafe and you may be more likely to indulge in a slice of something than an actual biscuit. Chances are you are more likely to order a coffee than the biscuits natural partner; a good old cup of tea.
A biscuit offers familiarity. A friendly face and a listening ear. Studies have shown that when it comes to biscuits we know what we like and like what we know. Supermarket aisles and bakery baskets are not the spawning ground of new invention, but rather a comforting assurance that some things never change.
Are cookies and biscuits the same thing?
Although (outside of the US) the terms cookie and biscuit can be used interchangeably, most of us are referring to two different things. The distinction is however pretty hard to nail down and is often more a part of our own personal lexicon than anything else. Anzac biscuits (for example) are most definitely a biscuit (even though they look quite cookie-like) whilst a choc chip cookie is immediately recognisable as such and highly unlikely to be mistaken for a biscuit.
Certain things defy categorisation at all. Melting moments couldn’t be anything other than a melting moment (unless its a yo-yo) and who doesn’t love the occasional jam drop?
The truth is that biscuits and cookies share more similarities than differences. So let’s just call them bickies and be done with it!
Where do biscuits come from?
Practically everybody associates biscuits with the British, especially alongside or dunked into a cup of tea. Ginger nuts are a particularly British invention, and shortbread has been made in Scotland since the 16th Century. But did the British actually invent biscuits?
Biscuits began in Ancient Rome as ‘panis bicoctus’ (bread twice-baked) which was essentially just a method of storing slices of dried bread. Arabs were the first to add sugar, as well as fruit and nuts. Sweet biscuits gained in scope and popularity as sugar became more widely available and affordable for the masses.
DID YOU KNOW that sweet biscuits were made to be dunked? Amongst the 17th Century aristocracy hard sponge fingers were dunked in sweet wine.
1846 saw the first industrial biscuit factory in Britain, which became the largest in the world. In Australia, Arnott’s first factory was not far behind.
But tea and biscuits were not officially a thing until WWII. Britain was already a nation of tea drinkers yet as sugar became rationed tea became less and less sweet. The story goes that the biscuit manufacturers stepped in and began supplying biscuits so that people could get their sugar fix on the side.
Australian Biscuits
Australia is one of the great biscuit eating nations of the world. We do love our bickies! Yet not all Aussie favourites come out of packet, and many are much loved homemade classics. So what are these quintessentially Australian biscuits that have been passed down through the generations?
Anzac biscuits
Anzac biscuits are Australia’s most loved and also historically important biscuit. A fairly robust mix of oats, flour, sugar, coconut and butter they were sent out to soldiers during the First World War. A source of energy and nutrition, with a long shelf life, Anzac biscuits (as they came to be known) were also an important source of comfort and connection to home. You could say that Anzac biscuits really do encompass the true spirit of biscuits.
Our Anzac biscuits are handmade in Australia
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Invented in America in the 1930’s, chocolate chip cookies are a firm favourite in Australia and the rest of the world. Hear the word ‘cookie’ and this is most likely what springs to mind. Choc chip cookies seem to be the one type of biscuit that we don’t associate with a cup of tea. Although, as adults, we love them as much as children do the association is a nostalgic one of milk and cookies.
Shortbread Biscuits
Shortbread belies its absolute simplicity. Buttery, and with a shortness so short it simply melts in the mouth, shortbread is made of nothing more than flour, sugar and butter.
Jam Drop Biscuits
Jam drop biscuits are shortbread rounds with a ‘drop’ of jam baked on the top. A perennial childhood favourite, these are known elsewhere as thumbprint cookies owing to their method of preparation. A indent is made in the raw dough, into which goes a drop of jam before baking.
Ginger Biscuits
Ginger biscuits, also known as ginger snaps or ginger nuts, are all about the crunch. Sweet, spicy, and hard yet not dense, ginger biscuits are the ideal dunking biscuit.
Macadamia Biscuits
There is nothing quite as quintessentially Australian as the macadamia, so it makes sense that they find their way into baking at every opportunity. The subtle taste and oddly crunchy yet creamy texture of these Australian native nuts lends itself really well to biscuits and cookies. Wild macadamia nuts grow in Queensland and New South Wales, and it is said that 70% of the world’s macadamias can be traced back to a single tree in Queensland. Forget Tim Tams; if you want a truly Australian biscuit then go for one with macadamias.
Melting Moments
Melting moments are melt-in-the-mouth butter cookies, often sandwiched together with a jam or cream filling. Originally from New Zealand, these super crumbly cookies are made with just four ingredients; butter, flour, icing sugar and cornflour. A derivative of shortbread, the crumb is somewhat softer and melting is actually the only way to describe it. Melting moments were a 1950s staple and feature heavily in memories of childhood baking.
Theoretically, the Australian version of melting moments is made with custard powder not cornflour and is therefore actually a yo-yo. These are not to be confused with the British version of melting moments (also a childhood baking favourite) that involves dessicated coconut and glace cherries.
Who doesn’t love a jammy melting moment?
Cream Filled Biscuits
Cream filled biscuits are the opposite of tea dunkers. Sweeter, and creamier, this is where comfort begins to cross over in decadence. Less solitary rainy day cuppa and more celebratory put them on a plate because we have company kinda vibe. Either that or you really want something sweet. Now.
The first commercial cream biscuits produced appeared in Britain and the US around 1908. The British custard cream was a creamy vanilla shortbread biscuit, whilst the chocolatey Hydrox in America was seemingly the forerunner of the Oreo. Over a hundred years on and both nations remain loyal to their roots.
Check out our range of delicious cream filled biscuits
Passionfruit Biscuits
Passionfruit is another particularly popular Australian flavour. Although native to Brazil, these distinctive fruits are grown all over Australia and find their way into many bakes and desserts. Passionfruit creams are a bit of an Aussie institution and favourite of the home baker.
Kids Biscuits
Our lifetime love affair with biscuits most likely began when we were kids. Snack time, play time, break time, after school time. All fuelled by biscuits. Back when sugar was a source of fuel and a little bit of what you fancy definitely did you good.
Biscuits (despite the sugar police) remain a massive part of childhood, and quite thankfully so. Not just for parties, a well timed biscuit can stop tears in their tracks whether your child is a toddler or a teenager. And who doesn’t look forward to cookies and milk after school?
And yes, there are parties. Which require colour, and sugar…
Looking for biscuits for a kids party?
Angel Cookies
Our angel cookies are crisp vanilla cookies topped with rainbow coloured sprinkles, made in a slightly smaller size for little hands.
Freckle Biscuits
Also known as smarty cookies or M&M cookies, we like to call these colourful cookies freckle cookies. Loved by kids the world over, these are a non-negotiable kids party treat.
Gluten-free Biscuits
It isn’t easy to make baked goods and biscuits that are gluten free that taste (or feel) as good as those made with wheat flour. But the demand for gluten free goods continues to rise so bakers and manufacturers are forced to come up with ways to mimic the magic properties of gluten. The trick with shopping for gluten free biscuits is to find something that is just as good or better than their wheat based counterparts. After all, the whole point is that biscuits and cookies are a joy to eat so why put up with something that doesn’t quite get there?
Why not give our certified gluten-free cookies a go?
Dairy-free Biscuits
Many biscuits are made without butter and favour margarine instead. However this does not always guarantee that the biscuits will be dairy free as many brands of margarine actually contain milk solids. If the biscuits do contain dairy it may not show up in the ingredients list, but will always be noted as milk allergens.
Egg-free Biscuits
A lot of biscuits, especially gourmet or handmade biscuits, may contain egg in the recipe. Again, these will be clearly listed in the ingredients and marked as allergens. Our range has a number of egg-free biscuits, including Anzac biscuits which of course traditionally contain no egg.
Our butter shortbread cookies are made without egg
These handmade melting moments are also made without egg
At Opera Foods we supply biscuits wholesale direct to the public. Packaged for your convenience, yet handmade right here in Australia.
This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Australian Biscuit Manufacturers”.
See original article:- Why we love handmade Australian biscuits
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Tags: australian biscuits
Posted by: admin | May 25, 2022
Buy locally made Aussie biscuits at Ritchies New Lambton

You can always buy locally made Aussie biscuits by Bush Cookies at Ritchies New Lambton.
Meet Selina! Selina the delightful new Bakery Manager at Ritchies Fine Food and Wine New Lambton store. Selina has been with the friendy Ritchies team for some time.
Selinas passion is sourcing locally made products. This week Selina is promoting delicious Bush cookies .Distributed by Opera foods at Warner’s Bay. They are just perfect with a cup of tea.
Why not say hello to Selina and get a free cookie sample this week at Ritchies New Lambton.
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Tags: cookie samples, ritchies new lambton
Posted by: Anna | August 2, 2021
Cheese and Crackers for Savoury Snackers

Cheese and crackers is one of those rare things that completely belies its simplicity. The moreish combination of crispy, salty and savoury is the stuff that food dreams are made of.
It can be snack, lunch, dessert, post-dessert or canape. Entire gatherings are orchestrated as an excuse to indulge in wine, cheese and crackers.
An early incarnation of the cracker was hardtack, the ship’s biscuit of swashbuckling tales of pirates at sea. A hard baked mix of flour and water, plus salt if you were lucky, hard tack was cheap to make and virtually impossible to destroy. It provided sustenance on long arduous journeys.
By the late 1800s bakers were making thinner lighter versions known as crackers and, alongside cheese, they became a staple menu item. Eventually, the bakers got creative with different flours, seeds, spices and the like.
But there was also flatbread. Around since man learned to grind grains. Also a flat dough made from flour, water, and salt it is made with or without yeast.
What is lavosh flatbread?
Lavosh flatbread, also spelled lavash, is a wafer thin bread from Armenia, Iran and surrounding countries. Traditionally baked on a clay oven, it is so ingrained in the culture of these communities that it has achieved UNESCO status. Soft and flexible when fresh, lavosh dries out quickly to become hard and brittle. It is stored as stacks of dried flatbreads which are crumbled into soup or rehydrated with a sprinkling of water.
Of course this thin dried bread makes the ideal cracker.
Lavosh crackers
Lavosh crackers are crisp and delicate. The ideal vehicle for just about anything. Ideal for cheese platters or to serve with dips, they are both blank canvas and deep savoury flavour.
Our yeast-free flatbread crackers come in two varieties –
Black sesame and pepper lavosh crackers
Toppings for savoury biscuits
Savoury biscuits are incredibly versatile. You can serve them with soup or crumble them into croutons. Although they are great served alongside dips such as hummus or baba ganoush, they also make excellent snacks or canapes.
Pile high with your favourite toppings. Here’s a few ideas to get you started.
- Mozzarella, tomato and pesto
- Salami, parmesan and olives
- Cream cheese, cucumber, fresh dill and black pepper
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Pate and apricot jam
- Guacamole and tomato salsa
- Cream cheese, smoked salmon and rocket
- Feta cheese, honey and oregano (our personal favourite)
And then of course, there’s cheese and biscuits…
Cheese and biscuits
A cheese platter, whether a mini version for a solo TV binge or a full on party ensemble, is one of the true joys of life.
Keep it simple with a slice of cheddar and an apple, or go all out with different cheeses, fruits, chutneys, and wine. Don’t forget the wine.
How to set up a cheese and cracker platter
It might seem simple enough, but a little attention to detail never hurt anyone. Aim for a balance of different shapes, colours and textures. You don’t to get too complicated.
Serve a variety of cheeses, at room temperature. Aim for 3 to 5 cheeses, and serve anywhere between 50 – 150g per person. Choose a mix of soft and hard cheeses, with a range of milk types (cow, goat, sheep).
You could for example pick –
- a blue cheese, such as Roquefort,
- one hard cheese, such as mature Cheddar, Parmesan or Manchego
- a white rind cheese, such as Brie or Camembert
- one Swiss type cheese, such as Gouda or Emmental
- a different cheese, that has an unusual colour or additions such as herbs, spices, or dried fruits.
Maybe add a little charcuterie in the form of Parma ham or salami.
Definitely add fruit to add colour, acidity and sweetness. Fruit also serves to cleanse the palate, what with all the salty, dry, crispy, savoury elements going on. Anything goes, although some things go better than others. Personally we wouldn’t really want strawberries with our smoked cheese or oranges with our Red Leicester. Stick to apple, pear, grapes, or ripe figs. Maybe a few blueberries.
How about some nuts? Raw, not salty. Hazelnuts, walnuts, and almonds are all good. Either in the shells with a nutcracker or just scattered about to graze upon lazily.
What else can you find at the deli? Olives, mi-cuit tomatoes, marinated artichokes, or cornichons perhaps? Pickled onions for the die hard traditionalists.
A few chutneys wouldn’t go amiss. Maybe just one.
Take a look at what you’ve got and see if you can balance the colours and make it pop. A sprig or rosemary or thyme; lavender even. Wedges of jewel red radicchio.
What more could you want.
Ah, wine.
Discover our entire range of Australian biscuits, or buy all your gourmet groceries from our online store.
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Posted by: Anna | July 4, 2021
Afternoon tea or high tea? Who cares as long as there’s tea and biscuits…

If there’s one thing that we love as much as we love biscuits, it has to be tea. Tea and biscuits is the embodiment of the term ‘life’s simple pleasures’.
We get so caught up in the treadmill of no-dairy, no-sugar, no-caffeine that we sometimes forget that just a mindful moment with a cuppa and bickie is all we need.
But where does our love of tea and biscuits come from? Other than the fact that they are…well, bloody nice.
Tea and biscuits…in so many words.
There are many traditions that basically boil down to the same thing. A cup of tea and a little something sweet.
Afternoon tea
The forerunner of them all was probably afternoon tea. Invented by the British upper classes in the early Victorian age, afternoon tea was a light meal designed to stave off hunger in the afternoon as dinner was traditionally served late in the evening. Also known as low tea, it was served on low tables away from the formality of the dining table. A casual, although refined affair, afternoon tea consists of dainty little things served with a pot of tea. Finger sandwiches, scones, and small cakes are all typical of afternoon tea.
High tea
At around the same period, as the Industrial Revolution gathered steam, the working classes were also partaking of tea. High tea was originally a meal taken when coming in from work. Eaten at the table (the only table aka the kitchen table) this was a more substantial meal yet also accompanied by a pot of tea. There would be pie, bread, maybe some cold meat. Perhaps a loaf cake, or some crumpets. Biscuits.
The upper classes thought this was all jolly good fun and so also had their own version of high tea, taken if one was going to the theatre or something and expected a very late supper.
The term high tea is now more likely to be interchangeable with afternoon tea, and taken to mean the classic afternoon tea of tea, sandwiches and scones; usually eaten out, as a treat.
The changes to the working pattern of the world led to changes in the way people eat. An early start meant an early breakfast, and so the concept of a mid morning snack was born. We already understood the restorative power of a cup of tea and a biscuit, and the once expensive tea and sugar were more readily available than ever.
To this day, tea and biscuits means a break. It might be a social affair; a catch up in a cafe with a friend. It may be a solitary pleasure; a moment of me time. Whatever it may be, savour it slowly, enjoy it and appreciate it as millions of workers before you have done. And if you are one of the rare folk who doesn’t like tea…
…well there’s always coffee.
Check out our range of premium Australian cookies, and don’t forget you can bulk buy online at our wholesale store.
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Tags: australian biscuits, High Tea, wholesale biscuits
Posted by: Anna | May 6, 2021
The rising demand for gluten-free biscuits and cookies

Are you on board with gluten-free biscuits? Whether you are a cafe, a mum, or a friendly neighbor, sometime, somewhere, it is always time for a cuppa. And who doesn’t like to indulge in a little something sweet.
The demand for gluten-free products is higher than ever, and still rising.
The internet is filled with ideas on how to make the best gluten-free biscuits or recipes for gluten-free chocolate chip cookies but not everybody wants to spend their free time baking. Maybe, you just want to sit in a quiet space with a cup of coffee and a gluten-free treat? Or be able to indulge over a chat with a friend. The more suppliers that get on board and offer gluten-free choices the better. Whether you are a cafe owner, a wholesaler, or a corner shop, offering alternatives can only be a good thing, right?
Why gluten-free?
Gluten is a substance formed from the proteins in wheat. It gives wheat flour the remarkable properties that make it such a versatile ingredient.
Those with coeliac disease cannot tolerate gluten as even the smallest amount triggers an immune response that damages the intestine. With this comes many unpleasant and painful symptoms.
Gluten sensitivity can cause similar symptoms but is triggered by different antibodies. This sensitivity to gluten is often attributed to the changing DNA of modern wheat and its prevalence in the western diet. It cannot be denied that giving up gluten is also a major trend. Many people give up gluten and find that it simply helps them to make food choices that support their personal well being.
Whatever the reasons, the fact remains that more and more people are choosing gluten-free products, including sweet treats such as biscuits and cookies.
Are gluten-free cookies healthy?
Gluten-free cookies should be viewed like any other cookie. As an occasional sweet treat. Gluten-free does not automatically mean healthier, but it can mean more choice for everyone.
Do gluten-free cookies taste different?
We often expect free-from foods to be a replica of the original. But without the properties of gluten this can be difficult to achieve. Different flours behave in different ways and working with them is not always easy. It isn’t so much a question of lowering expectations but rather to keep an open mind. The texture of a gluten-free biscuit may not be exactly as you expect but that doesn’t make it any less delicious. That said, as demand rises, both artisan and commercial bakers are finding better ways to get the best from new ingredients. Sometimes you really cannot tell the difference. There are many people that prefer the gluten-free varieties.
Is xanthan gum gluten-free?
Xanthan gum is gluten-free. Used in baked goods to mimic some of the effects of gluten, it helps dough to hold onto water. Not all products containing xanthan gum will be gluten free, but you will find it in many gluten-free products.
Have you tried our gluten-free choc chip cookies yet? Or discover our range of gluten-free wholesale.
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Tags: gluten free biscuits, gluten free cookies, gluten free wholesale
Posted by: Anna | March 22, 2021
How many ways can you make a chocolate biscuit cake?

Chocolate biscuit cake, depending on who you ask, ranges from broken up biscuits in a sort of solid ganache (aka fridge cake) to putting biscuit crumb in actual cake batter.
Then there’s a sort of layer cake made from plain biscuits, maybe soaked in a little alcohol, and sandwiched with sweetened cream. As if that weren’t enough, there is the Australian classic – the chocolate ripple biscuit cake.
All of them have a lovely 1950s housewife feel to them. A time when food out of the packets was the new frontier and baking ingenuity knew no bounds.
How to make cake using biscuits
What they all have in common is biscuits. Yay. And chocolate. Unless you feel particularly inventive, in which case you could go beyond chocolate and try different types of biscuits and frostings. This will only really work with the ripple biscuit/layer cake style scenario. Fridge cake wouldn’t be fridge cake without chocolate. It wouldn’t stick together for a start. You could try white chocolate, that could be good.
And they involve no cooking, unless you count a bit of melting or whipping. If that is too much of a stretch for you, then you can just eat biscuits straight from the packet and be done with it…
Broken biscuit cake
Also known as biscuit fridge cake, or tiffin, this is that deliciously moreish wedge of chocolate crammed with bits of biscuit. It manages to be dense and toothsome, yet soft, all at the same time. sometimes it has other things inside too, such as cherries.
Basic recipe for chocolate fridge cake using condensed milk
1 can condensed milk
3/4 cup butter
1 cup chocolate chunks
1 pack plain biscuits
- Line a tin or any shallow container with greaseproof paper
- Break the biscuits into a large bowl
- In a small pan over a low heat, melt the butter, condensed milk, and chocolate together.
- Mix this into the biscuits.
- Press into the tin and chill in the fridge for several hours or until set.
Chocolate ripple biscuit cake
Chocolate ripple cake is the stuff of childhood fantasy. It centered originally around the particular texture (or maybe widespread availability) of the chocolate ripple biscuit. If you feel brave enough to break free of tradition then you could try a triple choc chip cookie. You could dispense with the chocolate altogether, and experiment with anzac biscuits or maybe a coffee cream? Just saying.
If you do feel the need to behave in such an outrageous manner there is only one rule. You have to keep it kitchy cool.
This biscuit cake is made by whipping cream, with a touch of icing sugar and a dash of vanilla, and sandwiching the biscuits together. Do them in groups of four, and lie the stacks on a plate so that the biscuits are horizontal. So that you have the cross section of stripes when you cut into it. Lay three or four stacks in a length so that you have a log shape. Now cover the whole lot with more softly whipped cream. Decorate with broken chocolate biscuits, lollies, or whatever else you fancy.
You could add Baileys or another alcohol to the cream. You do need to be careful when adding liquid/alcohol/vanilla to cream as it may seize. Or just pour a few shots of alcohol over the biscuit stacks.
You could use frosting instead of cream. Or the chocolate mix from the tiffin above. A chocolate glaze is a nice addition. To make a chocolate glaze simply stir a teaspoon of vegetable oil into melted chocolate and pour it on.
Cream cheese and orange biscuit cake
Here’s a nice cream cheese frosting with a bit of orange zest and a little honey. Maybe a touch of cinnamon and these ginger and date biscuits?
Mix 600g cream cheese with 200g soft unsalted butter and 100g of icing sugar. Stir in 2 tbsp honey and the zest of 1 or 2 oranges.
Italian biscuit cake
In Italy, of course, they make their fridge cake with style. Not only will it include things like pistachios and candied peel, but is rolled into a sausage shape and tied up with string like an actual salami. It is even called chocolate salami.
Rocky road biscuit cake
Good old rocky road. Not to be messed with, it is simply fridge cake but with mini marshmallows and raisins. Milk chocolate please.
How to store chocolate biscuit cake
Whatever road of biscuit cake you choose to follow, it belongs in the fridge. Where it will live quite happily for 3 days if it has fresh cream or over a week if it does not.
How creative can you get with a packet of biscuits? What do you think is the best biscuit for a biscuit cake? Don’t forget to take advantage of wholesale prices at our bulk food store.
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Tags: anzac biscuits, australian biscuits, biscuit recipes, bulk biscuits, butter shortbread, coffee cream biscuits
Posted by: Anna | February 26, 2021
Get creative with your biscuit base for cheesecake and beyond…

The perfect buttery biscuit crumb base is an essential part of a good cheesecake. Also part of many other desserts, it is a great shortcut to have up your sleeve. But you don’t need to stick with boring biscuits. Any biscuit can be used to make a great cheesecake base.
How to make a biscuit base
A classic biscuit crumb base is made from crushed biscuits mixed with melted butter and set in the fridge. It can form just the base of your cheesecake or dessert, or be pressed up the sides to form a crust.
You can get really creative with your base, and not just in terms of the biscuits used. Try piling the butter/crumb mix into the base of glasses and topping with chocolate mousse, or even just custard mixed with lemon curd.
Classic dishes using a crumb base, other than cheesecake, include banoffee pie, key lime pie, and peanut butter pie. You can make mini versions by lining bun tins with the biscuit crumb mixture. Not so classic ways to use a biscuit crumb base include lemon meringue pie with a biscuit base instead of pastry, or a lemon tart with biscuit base, or even a chocolate tart. Any dessert you can think of that uses a blind baked pastry base is a prime candidate for a buttery biscuit base.
What are the best biscuits for a cheesecake base?
As long as they are crisp biscuits not soft chewy type cookies, you can use any biscuits for your base. A food processor helps with chocolate coated or cream filled biscuits in order to form a nice even crumb. A cream filled biscuit will create a softer sweeter crumb but is well worth experimenting with. Some biscuits will absorb less butter than others, so you may need to play about with proportions.
You could try…
Or even a passion fruit cream.
Make a gluten free biscuit crumb base with our gluten free chocolate chip cookies.
Biscuit base recipe
This will line the base of a 23cm round tin. If you want to press the mixture up the sides, make twice the recipe.
250g biscuits
125g unsalted butter, melted
- Blitz the biscuits in a food processor to a fine crumb. Or, put them in a plastic bag and bash with a rolling pin. Whichever you choose, you want something that looks like damp sand.
- Tip the crumb into a bowl. Even if you used a food processor.
- Stir the butter into the crumb using a wooden spoon or spatula. You want something that just sticks together.
- Press the mixture gently into the tin and set in the fridge for half an hour before filling.
- You can pile the crumb loosely onto a baking tray and set without pressing to form a crumble.
Can I make a vegan biscuit base?
You can make a vegan biscuit base as long as your biscuits are vegan and contain no animal products. Just switch out the butter for coconut oil or a plant-based butter. Choose a hard block butter, not a soft spreadable one.
Why is my cheesecake biscuit base too crumbly?
If your biscuit base is too crumbly, you may not have created a fine even crumb, or you may need more butter.
You may not have pressed hard enough when lining the tin.
However a base that is crumbly is infinitely preferable to one that is too hard.
If your biscuity base is too hard then you may have over mixed, which can often result if you blend the butter and the crumb together in a food processor. Too much butter can lead to a mixture that sets too hard – if your crumb mixture looks wet or greasy then you have too much butter. You may also just have pressed too hard when lining the tin.
Check out our range of all Australian cookies or buy your biscuits in bulk online.
Posted in About Cookies, Cookie Recipes | Comments Off on Get creative with your biscuit base for cheesecake and beyond…
Tags: biscuit base recipe, biscuit crumb base, cheesecake biscuit base, crunchy biscuit base, simple biscuit base
Posted by: admin | April 4, 2020
Australian Traditional Anzac Biscuits a Great All Rounder

Well we can still have an Anzac Biscuit. We probable cant march this year on Anzac Day due to the important Covid-19 Virus restrictions, but we can still celebrate the heroic deeds of those who served. Buy Bush Cookies’ Anzac Biscuits for your family at your local IGA or order online direct from Bush Cookies.
Bush Cookies a Manufacturer of wholesale cookies in Australia makes a Great Anzac Biscuit. Bush Cookies provides a high quality “High Tea” gourmet cookies and biscuits. We supply great wholesale cookies in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. Bush Cookies also delivers these wholesale cookies online direct in different suburbs of Australia.
Anzac Biscuits are Australian traditional oaten biscuit that is perfect as an all-rounder. Anzac Biscuits by Bush Cookies are handmade gourmet biscuits that you will adore in every moment. These gourmet cookies are ideal for morning tea. You can also enjoy with coffee as an alternative. These biscuits may remind of your grandmother who probably used to make these types of cookies.
For more information, visit our site. Book your favorite bulk biscuits now at parent company operafoods.com.au and get an online discount for volume on these products with home delivery.
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Tags: anzac biscuits, Anzac Day, anzacs, australian biscuits, bulk biscuits, bush cookies, opera foods, wholesale biscuit suppliers, wholesale biscuits