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Jam Drop Shortbreads Becoming A Fast Favorite



Coffee Shop proprietor Ben Moore of Mad Meerkat Coffee, Wyalong NSW, says that the “Bush Cookie Jam Drops, that we provide complimentary with every coffee purchased at our cafe”, “are becoming a fast favourite with our regulars”.

Rather than provide customers with a minuscule mini bite cookie, Ben is one of those entrepreneurial operators that loves to give his customers a serious gourmet complimentary serve and since he is too busy to bake biscuits he relies on Bush Cookies home style Jam Drop Shortbread biscuits for their reliability and great taste.

Visit the website for more food creations by Mad Meerkat Coffee.

Mad Meerkat Coffee
61 Neeld Street, Wyalong New South Wales 2671
Phone: 0419 158 155

Order Bush Cookies’ Jam Drop Shortbread bite size biscuits online at Wholesaler Opera Foods

Bush Cookies is a subsidiary of fine foods wholesalers & manufacturer Opera Foods.

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