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Choc Chip Cookies a Favorite Biscuit

Choc Chip cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Choc Chip Cookies are hard to beat for an all round favorite snack food that is crisp and crunchy but also chocolaty.

The Bush Cookies brand of choc chip cookies are just loaded with choc bits so they are extra tasty.

Buy Bush Cookies brand at  you local Harris Farm Markets or order online from the Australian biscuit manufacturer and distributor, direct from the bakery.

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Harris Farm Markets New Flagship Store Cooks Hill

Harris Farm Markets Cooks Hill Street view

Harris Farm Markets Cooks Hill Street view

Harris Farm Markets 21 stores have been long term stockist of Bush Cookies particularly Freckle Bickies, Choc Chip Cookies, Salted Caramel Creams and Passionfruit Creams.
This month Harris Farm Markets opened a new flagship store at Cooks Hill NSW, moving their Newcastle store from Glendale to Cooks Hill. Read the full  review of Harris Farm Markets exciting new complex at Cooks Hill, on the website of wholesale food Suppliers Opera Foods.

You will love shopping at this new concept market
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Choc Chip Cookies Everyone’s Favorite

Choc Chip Bickies by Bush Cookies Australia

Choc Chip Bickies by Bush Cookies

Choc Chip Cookies are almost universally popular and one of the best selling biscuits by Bush Cookies.

Australian manufacturer Bush Cookies, AKA Aussie Bush Bickies, make A large variety of different biscuits to suit all occasions. The Bush Cookies gourmet flavours are popular as High Tea Cookies and are great for a party or an occasional morning tea, or afternoon tea, with an unexpected guest.

In Sydney you can find Bush Cookies Choc Chip Cookies stocked at The following discerning retailers: Harris Farm Markets (all Stores), IGA Allambie Heights, IGA Wentworth Point, IGA Ellanora Heights, Fruitezy (Miranda, Chatswood & Chatswood Chase), Parisis Foodhall Rose Bay, Fourth Village Mosman, Riverview Deli, North Steyne Emporium, Willoughby Fresh, IGA Penshurst, IGA Warriewood, IGA West Pymble, Greenwood Grocer. Buy them from wholesale food Suppliers Sydney Opera Foods.

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