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Choc Chip Cookies Everyone’s Favorite
Choc Chip Cookies are almost universally popular and one of the best selling biscuits by Bush Cookies.
Australian manufacturer Bush Cookies, AKA Aussie Bush Bickies, make A large variety of different biscuits to suit all occasions. The Bush Cookies gourmet flavours are popular as High Tea Cookies and are great for a party or an occasional morning tea, or afternoon tea, with an unexpected guest.
In Sydney you can find Bush Cookies Choc Chip Cookies stocked at The following discerning retailers: Harris Farm Markets (all Stores), IGA Allambie Heights, IGA Wentworth Point, IGA Ellanora Heights, Fruitezy (Miranda, Chatswood & Chatswood Chase), Parisis Foodhall Rose Bay, Fourth Village Mosman, Riverview Deli, North Steyne Emporium, Willoughby Fresh, IGA Penshurst, IGA Warriewood, IGA West Pymble, Greenwood Grocer. Buy them from wholesale food Suppliers Sydney Opera Foods.
#bushcookies #operafoods #chocchip #cookies #biscuits #hightea #HarrisFarmMarkets #IGAAllambieHeights #IGAWentworthPoint #IGAEllanoraHeights #Fruitezy #ParisisFoodhall #FourthVillage #RiverviewDeli #NorthSteyneEmporium #WilloughbyFresh #IGAPenshurst #IGAWarriewood #IGAWestPymble #GreenwoodGrocer #wholesalefoodsuppliers
High Tea Food – Cookies and Biscuits
If you have been invited to a High Tea Party then your probably looking forward to a pleasant afternoon of relaxation away from the daily grind.
You may be thinking to take an interesting gourmet contribution of high tea food to the High Tea Party. We suggest a quick fix with a platter of gourmet hand made wholesale cookies, but you don’t always have to bake these.
You can buy gorgeous hand made wholesale cookies for high tea food, from Bush Cookies instead. A variety, (at least three types) of cookies can make a beautiful presentation on a large platter, especially with a colorful adornments like some fruit. Maybe take some in-fashion, healthy, organic Matcha Tea to go with them?
Buy Bush Cookies at your local gourmet grocer for your high tea food platter, or order them online for overnight delivery, form our parent company fine food distributors Opera Foods
#highteafood #hightea #cookies #operafoods #finefooddistributors #organicmatchatea #wholesalecookies
Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes