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Ginger Macadamia – Classic Cookies from Bush Cookies

Bush Cookies brand Ginger Macadamia Biscuits

Bush Cookies brand Ginger Macadamia Biscuits

Ginger Macadamia is a classic biscuit, perfect for a high tea party,  from local brand Bush Cookies.

Bush Cookies (AKA Aussie Bush Biscuits) likes to use Australian ingredients like the famous Australian macadamia nut.

Macadamias are a healthy crunchy nut that are perfect for cookies. The combination with Australian ginger makes a tasty treat.
Order Ginger Macadamia Biscuits online form wholesale food Suppliers melbourne Opera Foods

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Choc Chip Cookies Everyone’s Favorite

Choc Chip Bickies by Bush Cookies Australia

Choc Chip Bickies by Bush Cookies

Choc Chip Cookies are almost universally popular and one of the best selling biscuits by Bush Cookies.

Australian manufacturer Bush Cookies, AKA Aussie Bush Bickies, make A large variety of different biscuits to suit all occasions. The Bush Cookies gourmet flavours are popular as High Tea Cookies and are great for a party or an occasional morning tea, or afternoon tea, with an unexpected guest.

In Sydney you can find Bush Cookies Choc Chip Cookies stocked at The following discerning retailers: Harris Farm Markets (all Stores), IGA Allambie Heights, IGA Wentworth Point, IGA Ellanora Heights, Fruitezy (Miranda, Chatswood & Chatswood Chase), Parisis Foodhall Rose Bay, Fourth Village Mosman, Riverview Deli, North Steyne Emporium, Willoughby Fresh, IGA Penshurst, IGA Warriewood, IGA West Pymble, Greenwood Grocer. Buy them from wholesale food Suppliers Sydney Opera Foods.

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High Tea Food – Cookies and Biscuits

Great Gourmet Cookies for a High Tea Party

Great Gourmet Cookies for a High Tea Party

If you have been invited to a High Tea Party then your probably looking forward to a pleasant afternoon of relaxation away from the daily grind.

You may be thinking to take an interesting gourmet contribution of high tea food to the High Tea Party. We suggest a quick fix with a platter of gourmet hand made wholesale cookies, but you don’t always have to bake these.

You can buy gorgeous hand made wholesale cookies for high tea food, from Bush Cookies instead. A variety, (at least three types) of cookies can make a beautiful presentation on a large platter, especially with a colorful adornments like some fruit. Maybe take some in-fashion, healthy, organic Matcha Tea to go with them?

Buy Bush Cookies at your local gourmet grocer for your high tea food platter, or order them online for overnight delivery, form our parent company fine food distributors Opera Foods

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Jam Drops Shortbread Cookies – Recipe

Bush Cookies - Jam Drop Shortbreads

Jam Drop Shortbread Cookies

Jam Drops are a great favorite being basically popular shortbread cookies that has been made pretty and sweet and tasty with a dob of jam. Its a quick and easy  to bake cookie that takes about 15 minutes to prepare and 15 minutes to bake, so they are ready in about half an hour. Here is a favorite recipe from a seasoned bush cook. Or you can buy a similar product online from Bush Cookies.

Shortbread Cookies – Ingredients
225g butter, softened
100g caster sugar
1 teaspoons vanilla extract
250g plain flour

Preheat oven to 180 deg C.
Beat the butter and the sugar together until smooth creamy and fluffy. Stir in vanilla then add flour and mix well. Stir until you get a smooth paste.
Roll out on to a work surface and gently roll until the paste is about 1cm thick.
Then cut out your preferred shapes with a biscuit cutter. Place them on a baking tray with non-stick baking paper

For the jam drops use a finger dipped in flour or object to make an indentation in the centre of each of the shortbread cookies. Spoon 1/2 teaspoon of jam into the centre of each biscuit.

Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until pale golden-brown. Set aside to cool on a wire rack.
Recommendation: Don’t talk too much at the table or they will all be quickly gone.

Order shortbread cookies now online from our parent company  wholesale food Suppliers Sydney Melbourne & Brisbane Opera Foods. (Register and log-in to see wholesale prices)

#shortbreadcookies #operafoods #bushcookies #cookierecipes

The Art of High Tea Food

High Tea food with Bush Cookies

The art of high tea food event doesn’t only depend on the fine teas and tableware or the gourmet sweets or savory collection of delights, but more for the pleasure of a leisurely afternoon with true friends, maybe some new like-minded friends, and the relaxed easy discussion amid our busy lives.

High Tea is a time to enjoy fine treats as high tea food like the hand-made gourmet cookies made by Bush Cookies. Your girlfriends may think you baked these, as they are unique and tasty and like all home made favorite recipes, are made to a quality and not to a price point.

Executive Chef at Bush Cookies, Aniko, commented that, “Today’s lifestyles are busy and mothers should take the time out to enjoy a first class high tea food experience with friends, at least once a month”. “Get a baby sitter. Just unwind and enjoy some simple girl talk with like minded friends”.

High Tea Food

High tea food is an experience, it’s something everyone should enjoy. Enjoying fine teas, perhaps even a quality matcha tea as an option and some glorious sweet cookies that none of your guests need to feel guilty about, because its a rare and important event.  So get out your best crockery, borrow a nice teapot from your mum or your favorite aunt. Roll out that favorite tablecloth and linen napkins and order a wide variety of gourmet bush cookies for your high tea food online.

The rise in popularity of high tea parties is relevant to the times and to the need for better interpersonal relations and friendly discussion. Many brides these days select high tea as a simple hen’s party option, but most often high tea is used by friends who simply wish to catch up.

So, take a regular time out and treat your friends and your loved ones to an indulgent afternoon at home to experience the art of a high tea party.

Order Bush Cookies from our parent company wholesale food suppliers Opera Foods.
#highteafood #hightea #wholesalefoodsuppliers #operafoods

Passionfruit Creams

Try our beautifully creamy Passionfruit Creams. Just the right amount of bite and the right amount of passion fruit flavour in a smooth cream cookie.

Click for online purchase

Bush Cookies Passionfruit Cream Biscuits

Buy Bush Cookies Passionfruit Cream biscuits at Harris Farm Market stores Savor them, Tell your boyfriend you made them, they are all handmade

Freckle Bickies, Smarty Cookies or M & M Cookies

What is the difference between Freckle Bickies, Smarty Cookies or M & M Cookies we get asked. Well they are pretty much the same thing.

Chocolate Smarties are different brand of a similar candy coated chocolate buttons product to M & Ms. Bush Cookies use colorful choc buttons in our Freckle Bickies as a variation to Chocolate Chips. Below is a basic recipe for baking either Chocolate chip Cookies,  Smarty Cookies , M & M Cookies or as Bush Cookies call them Freckle Bickies.

Freckle Bikkie

Typical Freckle Bikkie or M & M Cookie

1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1  egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 pinch salt (optional)
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 cup smarties (or 1 cup M&M’s or just use 2 cups milk chocolate chips)

Preheat your oven to 320 degrees Fahrenheit
Combine in a your bowl: Flour, baking soda and salt
Then beat butter and sugar together in a mixer.
When well creamed (when you can see no yellow peices) mix in the vanilla and the egg and beat them together.
Next you slowly add the dry ingredients and when well combined mix in the chocolate chips (or Smarties or M & Ms)
Let the batch cool in the fridge for 40 minutes
Then make little balls of dough by hand and flatten on to a cookie sheet.
Bake them at 325 Fahrenheit for around 20 minutes depending on size of the cookie formations.
When baked take then from the oven and cool them on the cookie sheet for a few minutes then place them on your wire cooling rack.
When cooled find a quite place to gobble them by your self with a glass of milk or a cup of black tea.

NOTE: Food recipes produce different results for different people, as ingredient specifications vary in different regions, stoves are not all accurate in temperature settings or air movement, and people mix the ingredients in different ways. This in not one of the Bush Cookies secret recipes, but a popular recipe published on the internet by an unknown author.

Bush Cookies Freckle Bickies

Bush Cookies Freckle Bickies

You can of course achieve a perfect cookie every time by buying a Bush Cookies Freckle Bikkie or Bush Cookies Chock Chip cookie from a gourmet grocery store near you.

Freckle Bickie.
A super crunchy vanilla butter biscuit infused with white chocolate chips and loads of chocolate M & Ms. For the lad in our house or the lad in you.

Cookies on the Move

Bush Cookies the famous enough Australian manufacturer of wholesale cookies have moved from U14/ 6a Prosperity Pde Warriewood NSW 2102 to Warners Bay.

Retailers can now find Bush Cookies’ wholesale cookies at unit 3, 339 Hillsborough Road, Warners Bay NSW .

Directors said “The move allows more space for growth, as the cookie range continues in popularity among consumers.”

Biscuits and cookies remain Australia’s favourite snack food due to their long shelf life taste and convenience.

A cookie can can always give you a quick burst and hence is a popular carb.  for snacking.

You can still order our gourmet cookies online wholesale from our parent companies website at wholesale food distributors Australia  Opera Foods.

Cookie Decoration its an Art

The art of decorating cookies has become a huge pastime for many crafty hosts. Hand decorated cookies are favorites at a high tea event and add to the glamor and sophistication of the event. There are of course many social events that  cry out for fresh high quality hand decorated cookies.

Professional decorator Amber Spiegel has produced an online course to teach the art of cookie decoration. Here is an extract from her page:-

“Make your cookies a delicacy of design, texture and color with professional decorator Amber Spiegel. Start by achieving the perfect royal icing consistency for different types of decorating. Then, learn to easily transfer intricate eyelet lace and other patterns onto your cookies. ”

“Make sophisticated fabric effects simple: luscious quilted textures, as well as breathtaking brush-embroidered flowers and borders. Antique your cookies with the look of gold marbling, cracked ceramic glazes and bronze edgings. Create rose accents with exquisite wet-on-wet techniques, eye-catching piping and more. Paint vibrant custom designs and radiant backdrops with edible watercolors. Texture your work to create “fuzzy” animal cookies and wavy icing for rustic chic treats. Make the most enticing treats at the table with new cookie-decorating techniques. ”

We recommend aspiring cookie decorators consider the wonderful cookie artwork ideas of  Amber Spiegel

Recipe Starfish Cookies

Starfish Cookies are fun to make especially for the Kiddies Lets look at cookie recipes.


Star Fish Cookies

Star Fish Cookies

  • 250g soft butter
  • 1 cup caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 3 cups plain flour
  • Star-shaped biscuit cutters

Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes

Servings : 2

Cookie Recipes, Directions:

1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line 2 baking trays with baking paper.

2. In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar with electric beaters until smooth and creamy. Add egg and vanilla and beat until well combined. Stir in flour.

3. Roll out on a lightly floured surface until 5mm thick. Cut out star shapes with biscuit cutters.

4. Transfer to baking tray and bake for 15 minutes or until golden. Set aside to cool completely and decorate.

This recipe is from Woollies Aussie Animals

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