Biscuits made easy with the 100 cookie recipe

100 cookies recipe

The 100 cookie recipe has taken the world by storm. A variation of condensed milk cookies, it makes a batch of 100 cookies in just 20 minutes.

This freezer-friendly cookie dough is made with just 4 ingredients – butter, caster sugar, self raising flour and tinned condensed milk.

When it comes to toppings, there’s no limit. With 100 cookies to play with, there is major scope for topping heaven.

We’ve got the full recipe right here, plus plenty of great topping ideas…

Condensed milk cookies

A major point about the 100 cookie recipe is that it is based around a tin of condensed milk. You don’t have to make 100 cookies if you don’t want to – the batch can be scaled down to make less. But then you end up with half a tin of condensed milk kicking around the fridge.

The condensed milk makes the cookies milky sweet and oh so chewy.

Condensed milk cookies are ideal when you need a big batch bake for the school fair or a kids party. The dough is however freezer friendly so you can also just bake what you need and keep the rest for next time.

100 cookie recipe

500g butter

150g caster sugar

395g condensed milk (a tin)

750g self raising flour

  1. Pre heat the oven to 180C (fan).
  2. Line your baking trays with parchment paper. Two trays is a good fit for the oven, and who has more than two anyway?
  3. In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy.
  4. Beat in the condensed milk.
  5. Mix in the flour, in stages. You may need your hands at the end to work all the flour into the dough.
  6. Take what you will use, and divide out into bowls for adding different flavours.
  7. Flavour each batch as you would like.
  8. Roll the mixture into 1 inch balls (a generous teaspoon) and place on the trays with space between for them to spread.
  9. Press down lightly with a fork.
  10. Bake for 10 minutes and allow to cool slightly before transferring to a wire rack.
  11. Allow to cool completely before decorating as you choose.

Condensed milk cookies ideas

The flavourings for cookies are best mixed into the dough, but you can take it a step further with drizzles of melted chocolate or frosting. You could even sandwich them together, or make ice cream sandwiches. We have got a great ice cream sandwich recipe right here.

You could of course save yourself the mess and buy your biscuits for kids online

This article was reproduced on this site with permission from the “Bulk Suppliers of Packaged Biscuits”.
See original article:- Biscuits made easy with the 100 cookie recipe

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